Our program uses a comprehensive, research-based curriculum called The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos. We’ve chosen this curriculum because it helps caregivers and teachers provide care and experiences that are nurturing, consistent, and loving and that will help your child flourish.
Over the course of the year, The Creative Curriculum® will guide your child’s teachers in creating a classroom environment filled with responsive daily routines and meaningful, individualized experiences that nurture your child’s learning and development.
The routines will sound familiar to you: hellos and good-byes, diapering and toileting, eating and mealtimes, sleeping and nap time, and getting dressed. As you already know, these routines are an important part of your child’s day, and ensuring that they are consistent and nurturing will help your child build trust and form the positive relationships with his or her teachers that are the foundation for learning.
In addition to daily routines, The Creative Curriculum® will support your child’s teachers every day as they engage your child in meaningful experiences, such as playing with toys, enjoying books and stories, creating art, and going outdoors. It will help your child’s teachers observe what your child does and select materials that match your child’s growing abilities and interests.
When teaching and caring for your child, we value your involvement, because a meaningful partnership with you helps our program to respond positively to your concerns and encourage mutual trust and confidence. Your partnership with us plays an enormous role in how your child experiences our program and what he or she will gain from the experience.
We look forward to continuing to build a strong partnership with you as the year continues. We’re sure that with the
help of The Creative Curriculum®, this is going to be a great year!
Village Early Childhood Center
155 Parkway, Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Call - (201) 767-9909 Fax- (201) 767-9919